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Sunshine & District

Historical Society Inc.

Reg No: A00212758

193 Ballarat Rd - Former Shop

1955    193a  Ballarat Rd    Maidstone    Fry, E. H. - Confectionist

1960    193a  Ballarat Rd    Maidstone    Fry, E. H. - News Agent
1960    193    Ballarat Rd    Maidstone    Code, D. & J. - Confectionist

1965    193a  Ballarat Rd    Maidstone    Fry, E. H. - News Agent
1965    193    Ballarat Rd    Maidstone    Van Snippenburg & Tobin - Confectionist

1970    193a  Ballarat Rd    Maidstone    Fry, E. H. - News Agent
1970    193    Ballarat Rd    Maidstone    Sarraf, S. & G. - Confectionist

1974    193a  Ballarat Rd    Maidstone    Campbell, D. & J. - News Agents
1974    193    Ballarat Rd    Maidstone    Sarraf, S. & G. - Confectionist

1977    193a  Ballarat Rd    Maidstone    Not Available

1977    193    Ballarat Rd    Maidstone    Karvouniarist, T. - Mixed Business

Source: Sands & McDougall Directories

Source: City of Sunshine Health Act Regulations 1977

Photos: S&DHS

Ballarat Rd 131 Maidstone 2023 Photo 01.jpg
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