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Deer Park Hunt Club.jpg

Sunshine & District

Historical Society Inc.

Reg No: A00212758

45 - 51 Holt St Shops


1970 45 Holt St Stone, Edward - Shopkeeper

1970 49 Holt St Sandford, A & M. - Butchers

1974 45 Holt St Stone, Edward - Shopkeeper

1974 49 Holt St Brett, R. S. & J. C. - Licensed Grocers

1977 45 Holt St Stone, George & Lowis - Catering Service

1977 49 Holt St Sanford, Alan Alfred & Mary Catherine - Licenced Grocery, Milk Bar, Post Office

1977 51 Holt St Zeleckyj, Stefan & M. - Continental Butcher

1977 51A Holts St Zeleckyj, Stefan - Fruit & Vegetables

Source: Sands & McDougall Directories

Source: City of Sunshine Health Act Regulations 1977

Photos: S&DHS

45 - 47 Holt St Ardeer.JPG

(L - R) 45 - 47 Holt St Ardeer

49 - 51 Holt St Ardeer.JPG

(L - R) 49 - 51A Holt St Ardeer

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