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Sunshine & District

Historical Society Inc.

Reg No: A00212758

Sunshine Railway Station (1907 - Current)

City Place, Sunshine

Sunshine Station (1907 – Current)


Location: Hampshire Rd, Braybook Junction.

Distance from Spencer Street Station (Southern Cross Station): – 12.26km (7.62 miles).


Key Dates:

1907 – Braybrook Junction Station is renamed to Sunshine Station.

1908 – Easter Monday 20th April 1908, Sunshine Rail Disaster where 44 people were killed and approximately 500 people injured.

1911 – Erection of Stationmaster’s Residence in Station St.

1913 – Footbridge at Devonshire Rd is completed.

1914 – Some station buildings destroyed by fire.

1924 – Staff at Sunshine Station increases to 32.

1961 – First train over standard gauge. Road overpass at Hampshire Rd is completed and railway gates are removed.

2014 - As part of the Region Rail Project, the station is rebuilt and platforms added including upgrades to the bus interchange. Also part of these works, the notorious Sunshine Railway Underpass built in the 1950's was permanent closed on the 2nd January 2014


Station Masters:

1908 – David Harrison.

1909 – Jeremiah James Kirby.

1914 – George Brown.

1918 – William Tolliday.

1920 – James Boyd.

1922 – John Christie Gibson.

1932 – Michael Lorenz.

1943 – Albert George Brown.

1949 – Michael Stanley Frawley.

1961 – Frederick John Scott.

1964 – Dennis Brendan.

1967 – Thomas McMahon.

1971 – Robert Harrison.

1976 – Allan Galbraith.

1979 – Robert Philip.

1988 – Daryl Myers.

1988 – Joseph Grech.

1991 – Frank Barberi.

1998 – Cane Trajkovski.


Ref: Fifteen Railway Stations of the West (Footscray to Sunbury) by Tom Rigg January 2009.

Photos: S&DHS.

Sunshine Railway Station Photo 01.jpg
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