Local District Past Residents
Albion Explosive Factory
Annex No 29
(No 5 Explosive Factory)
After European settlement in the mid 1850s, the North Albion site was being used as grassland for farming and grazing.
In the late 1930's, the threat of another world war in Europe was developing and the Australian Government decided it needed to increase and to be more independent in the manufacturing of munitions and explosives.
The Albion site was chosen opposite the existing commercial ICIANZ factory. ICI ANZ was chosen to design, construct and operate the new facilities.
In 1940 the factory first began production of propellants for small arms and artillery that were required by the military forces during WW2.
After the end of the WW2 the plant continued producing explosives and fertilizers for commercial use.
The site was closed down in the 1986 and the site went through an extensive decontamination and cleanup before being redeveloped in a housing estate with a shopping complex located in its center.
Located on the site there was hundreds of buildings. Each building was given a unique number. The first digit of the number indicated the area the building was located in. A searchable listing of the buildings can be found below.
1 - Administrative & Services Area
2 - Propellant Area
3 - Acid Area
4 - T.N.T. "Trinitrotoluene" Area
5 - Armament Chemicals Area
6 - Propellant Powder Area
7 - Fuse Powder Area
8 - R.D.X. "Hexogen" Area
9 - Synthetic Ammonia Area
The site also contains the Historical Landmark "The Black Powder Mill" which is the only remaining building on the site. Also on the site there are some significant trees, the endangered Plains Rice-flower and Striped Legless Lizard.
Key Dates
In the beginning.
1939 Construction of Albion Explosives Factory construction commenced. Design and construction done by ICIANZ personal.
1939 Nitro glycerine first manufactured.
1939 Cordite first manufactured.
1939 TNT first manufactured.
1944 Nitric Acid first manufactured by the ammonia oxidation process.
1944 Ammonia first manufactured.
After WW 2.
1943 ICIANZ began installing ammonia synthesis and ammonia oxidation plants at Albion. Ammonia oxidation plant used ammonia from by-product ammonia from coke and gas works until the synthetic ammonia plants could be finished.
1947/9 The factory area was approximately doubled with the addition of land north of Furlong Road for the construction of the RDX plant (Research and Development explosive).
1948 Albion Explosives Factory was under care and maintenance under control of Maribyrnong EF.
1948/9 Bishopton, U.K. as the "A" plant and dismantled and shipped to Australia in 1948-49 was installed.
1954 The factory was transferred back to the Commonwealth and the plant rehabilitated.
1957 RDX finally commissioned in 1957.
1962 DNT plant was commissioned in 1962.
1962 Due to falling workloads the administration was transferred to EFM.
1968 Construction of the continuous TNT plant was also commenced. It went into production in late 1971.
1976 Albion Explosives Factory amalgamated with EFM in order to utilize staff more efficiently.
1976 The complete, new, RDX/TNT line finally went into operation in.
1977 Facilities for recrystallisation plant for the recovery of tetryl was completed, and the DNT plant was commissioned in 1962.
1984 The following plants had either been demolished or most of the plant removed. ammonia synthesis, ammonium sulphate, Titanium tetrachloride, Dimethyl aniline, Ammonium perchlorate and Bariuin Nitrate.
1985 Albion Explosives Factory closed down conveyed to the factory employees.
1986- Albion Explosives Factory closed down except for Acid Plant.
1986- Albion Explosives Factory transfer to Mulwala Explosive Factory project group formed.
1986 Construction work started at Mulwala Explosive Factory.
1986 Albion Explosives Factory equipment required removal and decontaminated.
1991 January acid concentration and mixing for Orica PETN manufacture.
Key Dates Ref: Andy Calvert