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Sunshine & District

Historical Society Inc.

Reg No: A00212758

150 - 178 Churchill Ave - Shops

1960 154 Churchill Ave Braybrook Post Office

1960 156 Churchill Ave Braybrook Fruit Supplies

1960 158 Churchill Ave Maidstone Fashion Frocks

1960 160 Churchill Ave Cooney, J. P. - Grocer

1960 162 Churchill Ave Flannery, H. J. - Butcher

1960 164 Churchill Ave Fry, A. P. - Chemist

1960 166 Churchill Ave Housing Commission Victoria - (Rent Office)

1960 168 Churchill Ave Jowett, Reginal Joseph - News Agent

1960 170 Churchill Ave Vourmazon, C. - Confectionist

1960 172 Churchill Ave Trotts. P & A. - Dairy Produce

1960 174 Churchill Ave Oakar of Vienna - Hair Dresser

1960 174 Churchill Ave Ruff, O.

1960 176 Churchill Ave Seafoods - Fishmonger

1960 176 Churchill Ave Pouyoukidis, A.

1965 154 Churchill Ave Braybrook Post Office

1965 156 Churchill Ave Braybrook Fruit Supplies

1965 158 Churchill Ave Dodd's Drapery

1965 160 Churchill Ave Cooney, J. & F. - Licensed Grocer

1965 162 Churchill Ave Flannery, H. J. - Butcher

1965 164 Churchill Ave Fry, A. P. - Chemist

1965 166 Churchill Ave Gainford, R. - Cakes

1965 168 Churchill Ave Selkrig, R. A. - News Agent

1965 170 Churchill Ave Fernandes, L. & M. - Confectionists

1965 172 Churchill Ave Vadas, G. &. A. - Delicatessen

1965 174 Churchill Ave Vogel, Mrs A. - Ladies Hair Dresser

1965 176 Churchill Ave Seafoods - Fishmonger

1965 176 Churchill Ave Mihalos, S.

1965 176 Churchill Ave Papas, P.

1970 148 Churchill Ave Spotless Ltd - Dry Cleaners

1970 150 Churchill Ave Vourmazon, C. - Confectionist

1970 154 Churchill Ave Braybrook Post Office

1970 156 Churchill Ave Braybrook Fruit Supplies

1970 158 Churchill Ave Dodd's Drapery

1970 160 Churchill Ave Debrincat, E. & Sons - Licensed Grocer

1970 162 Churchill Ave Flannery, H. J. - Butcher

1970 164 Churchill Ave Fry, A. P. - Chemist

1970 166 Churchill Ave Breen, Ronald William & Lena Frances - Cakes

1970 168 Churchill Ave Lawrence, E. H. & W. - News Agent

1970 170 Churchill Ave Oudy, B. & S. - Confectionists

1970 172 Churchill Ave Lowe, F. - Delicatessen

1970 174 Churchill Ave Vogel, Mrs A. - Ladies Hair Dresser

1970 176 Churchill Ave Seafoods - Fishmonger

1970 176 Churchill Ave Mihalos, S.

1970 176 Churchill Ave Papas, P.

1974 148 Churchill Ave Spotless Ltd - Dry Cleaners

1974 150 Churchill Ave Ayoubi, N. - Confectionist

1974 154 Churchill Ave Braybrook Fruit Supplies

1974 158 Churchill Ave Dodd's Drapery

1974 160 Churchill Ave Debrincat, E. & Sons - Licensed Grocer

1974 162 Churchill Ave Flannery, H. J. - Butcher

1974 164 Churchill Ave Fry, A. P. - Chemist

1974 166 Churchill Ave Breen, Ronald William & Lena Frances - Cakes

1974 168 Churchill Ave Lawrence, E. H. & W. - News Agent

1974 170 Churchill Ave Oudy, B. & S. - Confectionists

1974 172 Churchill Ave Lowe, F. - Delicatessen

1974 174 Churchill Ave Vogel, Mrs A. - Ladies Hair Dresser

1974 176 Churchill Ave Barpallas, G. - Fishmonger

1974 148 Churchill Ave Not Available

1974 150 Churchill Ave Not Available

1974 154 Churchill Ave Not Available

1974 158 - 160 Churchill Ave Bennett, John R. - Licensed Grocer

1974 162 Churchill Ave Kennedy, Edna - Butcher

1974 164 Churchill Ave Not Available

1974 166 Churchill Ave Kroszynski, John & Irene - Bakery & Shop

1974 168 Churchill Ave Not Available

1974 170 - 172 Churchill Ave Antzakas, Emmanouel  & Stamatopoulos, Peter - Milk Bar / Mix Business

1974 174 Churchill Ave Pringle, Dianne Mary Ladies Hair Dresser

1974 176 Churchill Ave Papaiouannou, Freda & Steven - Fish & Chip Shop

Source: Sands & McDougall Directories

Source: City of Sunshine Health Act Regulations 1977

Photos: S&DHS

Churchill Ave Shops 2021 Photo 03.JPG
Churchill Ave Shops 2021 Photo 01.JPG
Churchill Ave Shops 2021 Photo 04.JPG
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