Local District Past Residents
Photo Gallery - McKay Massey-Harris (Ferguson) Employees
Anderson, Col - Carpenter
Anderson, Roy - Blacksmith
Anderson, Tom - Truck Driver
Ankers, Bert
Baglin, L. - Expert Factory Chaser
Bagnall, Joe - Leading Hand, No. 11 Toolshop
Baker, George - Ballarat Foreman
Barclay, Reg - Reclamation
Barton, Jim - Dups Office
Bell, Guy - Dups Dept
Bennett, Fred - Spring Shop
Berryman, Les - Quality Control
Black, Dave - Dups Office
Boddington, Norm - Dups Publications
Buckingham, Peter - Methods Study
Busby, Charlie - Quality Control
Caddick, Harry - Leading Hand, Sheet Metal, Machinist
Carson, Norm - Plough Assemblers
Clarke, Arthur - Dups Dept
Clemson, Howard - Methods & Industrial Officer, Personnel Manager
Clifton, Vic - Steel Mill
Condor, Clarrie- Steel Mill Operator
Coombs, Bill - Cutting-up Shop, Operator & Checker
Cooper, Wilton - Parts Department & Office
Corsey, Bert - Core Shop
Day, Les - Wood Mill
Dedrick, Arthur - Methods Engineer, Supplier Shop, Foreman
Denison, A - Leading Hand, MC Shop
Devenson, Fred - Vehicle Transit Department
Devers, Bill - Factory Office, Time Keeper
Doherty, Harold - Field Expert & Assembly Floor
D'Ombrain, Ted - Parts Department
Donald, Norm - Sales
Dorgan, Dan - Sales and Parts Department
Drake, Tom - Methods Study
Enever, Alan - Parts Storeman
Ewer, Les - Field Expert & Sub-Foreman
Fisher, Jim - Ballarat Shop, MC Shop
Forbes, Bill - MC Shop
Fowler, Les - Factory Parts
Fraser, Harry - Sub Foreman, Sheet Iron Machinist
Galbraith, Alex - Metallurgist
Gamble, N. - Machine Shop
Garrick, David – Carpenter
Gilham, Ray - Parts Department Office
Gilmour, Alex - Binder Shop, MC
Gilson, Dave - Parts & Mailman
Gist, Hugh - Tyne & Blacksmith
Grant, Bert - Foreman- Gate 51 Shop
Green, Dave - Factory Parts Department
Guest, Jim - No.11 Tool Room Machinist
Hales, Bert – Carpenter
Hales, Charlie - Bindershop, Watchman, Gatekeeper
Halestead, Bert - Capenters Shop, Factory Parts
Ham,Wally - Foreman, Maintenance
Hancock, Norm - Sales & Parts
Hayes, Frank - Ballarat Shop & Fitters
Hayes, Nat - Leading Hand, Ballarat Shop
Hollingshead, Ted - No 11 Tool Shop Foreman, Tool Design
Hollins, Bob - Ass. Fireman, Spring & Tine Shop
Holloway, Percy - Field Expert, Engineering Department
Holmes, Jim - Engine Fitter, Leading Hand & Test Bench
Hopkins, Jeff - Sales & Parts
Jones, Bob - Bulk Store
Jones, Les – Carpenter
Karlberg, Claude - Carpenter
Kellett, Jim - Carpenter
Kelly, Charie
Kennedy, Joe - Staff Paymaster
Kindred, Jim - Electrician
King, Dave - Sales Dups Office
Kirk, Charlie - Factory Programing Officer
Lamont, Bill - Truck Driver
Lancaster, L. - Binder Shop & Inspection
Landers, Curly - Tractor Transport Crane Driver
Lax, Jack - Machine Shop
Learmonth, Alex - Fitter & Turner, Parts Department, Procurement
Long, F.
Long, H. - Leading Hand No. 11 Tool shop, Sub-Foreman, Sheet Metal Machinist
Louden, Charlie or Lowe, Charlie - Factory Parts
Lowe, Charlie or Louden, Charlie - Factory Parts
Lowe, Stan - Capenters Department
Lownie, R.
Lynch, Fred - Factory Office
Mason, Bill - Sales Officer
Mason, J. - Foreman, Dispatch
Masters, Laurie - Factory Paymaster
Mather, Percy - MC Shop, Tool Storeman
Matherson, Jack - Fitter & Turner
McCrae, Jack - Maintenance, Machinist
McCulloch, Jim - Parts Department
McFadyen, C. - Binder Expert, Parts Department
McKenzie, Ted - Chaser, Supervisor
McKeown, Bill - Assistant Foreman, Electric Welders
McKinnon, Norm - Carpenters Department
McLeod, Rex - Pay Office Personnel Officer
McPherson, Don - Sheet Metal Bench
Menhennitt, Harry - Field expert, Fitter Engineer
Mills, Alan - Foundry Moulder
Mitchell, Bill - Factory Office Programming
Mitchell, Sam – Maintenance
Neighbour, N. - Factory Carpenters Department
Neyland, Bert - Factory Office Accountant
Nunn, Percy - Fitter, Ballarat Shop
Oataway, Norm - Field expert, Engineering Department
Paterson, Tom - Tool Shop, Assistant Foreman Quality Control
Paton, Alec - Leading hand, Binder Shop, Factory Parts
Pearce, Bill - Factory Carpenters Department
Penrose, Dick - Programming Officer
Pettifer, Jim - Machinist, Ballarat Shop
Poigndester, Jack - Assistant Foreman, Dip & Spray
Polan, Jack
Poole, A. - Gate Shop
Potter, Lew - Machinist, Machine Shop
Prince, W. - Foreman, Bulk Store
Raymond, Jack - Leading Hand, Maintenance
Rayner, Ernie - Transport Driver
Reardon, Len - Machinist, No. 7 Tool Shop
Reid, Georg - Fitter, Ballarat Shop
Rewell, Ivy - Assistant Forelady, Canvas Room
Richards, Ted - Factory Office, Weighbridge
Rinder, Syd
Rossiter, Claude
Ryan, Leo - Bulk Store
Saunders, Alex - Foreman, Annealing
Schmidt, Hec - Staff Officer & Employment, Binder Shop
Scrivener, Syd - Fitter & Expert, Inspection
Sheargold, Fred - Blacksmith, Binder Shop
Simpson, Bob - Binder Shop, Engineering Fitter
Simpson, Bonnie - Engineering Department Office
Simpson, Jack - Sheet Metal Machinist
Smeardon, Chas - MC Shop Machinist
Snaith, Archie - Carpenter, Transport Repair
Spilllane, Olive - Secretary to Works Manager
Steele, Bill – Moulder
Stockdale, Ernie - Transport Driver, Binder Shop
Styles, Tom - Blacksmith, Machinist
Sully, David Herbert 'Herb' - Foreman, Factory Building Maintenance
Taylor, Howard - Field Advisor & Engineering Department
Thompson, Jim - Assistant Foreman, Woodmill
Thompson, Joe - Sales Office
Topp, Curly- Carpenters Shop, Overhead Crane Driver
Underhill, Len
Unknown 01
Walker, Jim - Factory Parts, Carpenter
Walker, Joe - Sheet Metal Bench
Watson, Bill - Printing Department
Watson, Ivy - Factory Office Secretary
Weaver, Harry - Factory Carpenters, Woodmill Inspection
Webb, Lin - Factory Carpenters
Widdy, Arthur – Inspection
Wilkinson, Russell - Steel Mill & Office Cleaner
Williams, Geoff - Parts Department
Williams, Syd - Cutting Shop