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Sunshine & District

Historical Society Inc.

Reg No: A00212758

57 - 61 Metherall St - Shops
Sunshine North

Metherall St 57 - 59 Sunshine North (Sun Adv 488) Photo 01.JPG

1965 59 Metherall St Mills, R. - Confectionist

1965 61 Metherall St Not available

1970 57 Metherall St Not available

1970 59 Metherall St Shops Vacant

1970 61 Metherall St Hallal, A. & Ginette - Confectionist

1974 57 Metherall St Not available

1974 59 Metherall St Shop Vacant

1974 61 Metherall St Hallal, A. & Ginette - Confectionist

1977 57 Metherall St Foley, Olga - Ladies' Haridresser

Source: Sands & McDougall Directories

Source: City of Sunshine Health Act Registration Schedule 1977

Photos: S&DHS

Metherall 57 - 61 Sunshine North - Shops
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