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Sunshine & District

Historical Society Inc.

Reg No: A00212758

1 - 11 Commercial St - Shops


Commercial St 1 - 11 Maidstone - Shops.JPG
Fish & Chip Shop Curtin St Maidstone 2021 Photo 01.JPG

1965    Commercial St Vacant Shops

1970 1 Commercial St Maramis, P. & M. - Delicatessen

1970 3 Commercial St Not available

1970 5 Commercial St Permewans Food Store Pty Ltd - Grocers

1970 7 Commercial St Vacant Shop

1970 9 Commercial St Formica, F. - Boot Repairer

1970 11 Commercial St Gregoriou, T. - Fishmonger

1974      1 Commercial St Papaliadis, A.

1974 3 - 5 Commercial St Not available

1974      7 Commercial St Josephine Coiflure - Ladies Hairdresser

1974      9 Commercial St Not available

1974    11 Commercial St Gregoriou, T. - Fishmonger

1977      1 Commercial St Mantzoudis, Nick - Milk Bar

1977 3 - 5 Commercial St Not available

1977      7 Commercial St Giglio, Josephine - Haidresser

1977      9 Commercial St Not available

1977    11 Commercial St Not available

Source: Sands & McDougall Directories

Source: City of Sunshine Health Act Regulations 1977

Photos: S&DHs

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