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Sunshine & District

Historical Society Inc.

Reg No: A00212758

Society Meeting Dates

Meetings are held at the Society Headquarters, The Hunt Club, 775 Ballarat Road, Deer Park.


Due to possible Covid19 restrictions, the Society may have to vary the dates & times . Please contact the Society to confirm the next meeting date. 

General Committee Meeting Thursday 9th June 2022 12 noon The Hunt Club

General Committee Meeting Thursday 11th August 2022 12 noon The Hunt Club

General Committee Meeting Thursday 13th October 2022 12 noon The Hunt Club

Annual General Meeting Sunday 6th November 2022 2pm The Hunt Club

General Committee Meeting Thursday 8th December 2022 12 noon The Hunt Club


We welcome the attendance of any member at our meetings, it is after all your Society and we would appreciate your input.

Non-members are also welcome should you wish to attend prior to joining the Society.

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