Local District Past Residents
St. Albans Community Youth Club
"The Tin Shed"
Main Rd East, St. Albans

The St. Albans Community Youth Club started in 1950's in a tiny tin shed.
The tiny shed was replaced with the current Quonset Army Hut. The club then flourished and it has hosted amazing diversity of educational, cultural, communal, sporting, dances, concerts, gymnasium, marching girls, table tennis, boat-building, wood work classes, drama, scouts, guides, pre-school, Judo (Kata), Life Long Learning, Neighborhood House, Playgroup & Toddlers' Gym, Swap Shop, Tai Chi, Yoga, Police Youth Club, Country Women's Association and many more activities.
More recently the building is also being used for food hampers pickups.
In 1974, a fire partially destroyed the building however after a brief interruption to the club's activities it was back in full operations.
The Quonset Army Hut can still been seen behind the existing blue stone facade.
The building is now known as "The Tin Shed".
Ref: St. Albans The First Hundred Years 1887 - 1987
Photos: S&DHS