Local District Past Residents
Sunshine Picture Theatre
Hampshire Rd, Sunshine

Moving pictures had been showing in Sunshine from the early 1920's from either the Mechanic's Institute which was located on the Town Hall Site in Hampshire Rd or an old grain store on the east side of Hampshire Rd opposite the Mechanic's Institute. Mr. Jack O'Brien had created the Sunshine Picture Theatre Company and was operating his business from this grain store. His business created competition and ultimately the Shire ran pictures ceased to function.
In 1931, George Kirby arrived in Sunshine and took over the lease of the Sunshine Theatre. He soon formed his new company "Kirby's Theatres Pty Ltd" and transformed the theatre with new modern picture and sound systems. George soon expanded his business to Maidstone, Altona, Bacchus Marsh and Sorrento. He went on to create the Village Roadshow company which is still in existence today.
When the theatre was not in use, George Kirby allowed the building to be used for any patriotic or charitable cause without payment.
The top photo is an early photo of the theatre.
The middle photo is a group of students standing outside the theatre in the 1940's.
The bottom picture taken in 2006 was when the building was operating as a computer store.
Ref: Sunshine Cavacade 1951
Photos: Sunshine Cavacade 1951
Photos: S&DHS