Local District Past Residents
Associations / Clubs / Lodges / Societies / Etc of Interest
Committee Members, Life Members, Coaches, etc
Clubs provide a means of how individuals and groups engage with others in the community. Whether this is in a sporting and competitive format, special interest groups or just for social interactions, clubs are the stitches that brings any vibrant community together.
Clubs can vary greatly in size, from many hundreds of members down to a small group of people. Some clubs are fully professional or semi-professional units whereas others are fully run by volunteers. One thing all clubs have in common, is that they bring likeminded people together.
Over the years many clubs come and go. There are numerous reasons for this including changes in the society’s interest, competition from other clubs, financial reasons, retirement of key people, etc.
Unfortunately, when clubs fold, much of their history is lost including the names of the executive officers, life members, club performance & records, venue locations, dates of operation, etc.
In an attempt to try to preserve some of this social history, the Society is trying to record some of this information. As a starting point we have started off recording the key Executive Committee Members, Life Members, etc.
All Associations / Clubs / Lodges / Societies / etc
Football Clubs (Australian Rules)
Lodges - Foundation Members & Past Masters
Sunshine Returned Soldiers, Sailors & Airmen's Imperial League of Australia (R.S.S.I.L.A) & (R.S.L)
Clubs - Other (Baseball, Lions, Social Clubs, Special Interest Clubs, Tennis, etc)
If you would for your club details to be added to this page or you updates / corrections, please email the society with the details and if possible a short history of you club, photos of honour boards, etc.