Local District Past Residents
Albion Soldiers Settlement
Bazentin St, Coolamon Street, Gunnedah St, Hamel St & Kamarooka St

In the early 1920's, a new residential estate was built for the returned soldiers of the Great War. This new estate became the new suburb of Albion. The new estate was located ideally near the Sunshine Shopping Centre, the Sunshine Gardens, McKay's factory and the Albion Railway Station.
Dururing the planning & development of the "Soldiers Settlement Estate", two small reserves were left behind the houses of Gunnedah St & Coolamon St (Coolamon St Reserve) and Coolamon St & Kamarooka St (Kamarooka St Reserve). These reserves have featured in many aerial photos and maps of Albion.
Recollections of an early settler, Mr. Edward McKenzie recalls when the roads were not made and there was no sewage. The women used to put on old shoes to walk to the middle of road before throwing them back into their on yards. They would then head of to catch one of the two trains that ran each day. He recalls the large circular reserve was the meeting place of all the wild diggers in those day and many fights taking place there.
Today the rear reserves are mostly unkept but provide rear access to the properties backing onto them. In a bygone era, one can imagine the children of the local area playing football and cricket, enjoying bon fire nights or just hanging out in these reserves.
Ref: Harvester Town, The Making of Sunshine 1890 - 1925 by Olwen Ford
Ref: Recollections of Mr. E. McKenzie
Photos: S&DHS
Coolamon St Reserve

Kamarooka St Reserve