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Deer Park Hunt Club.jpg

Sunshine & District

Historical Society Inc.

Reg No: A00212758

172 - 178 Forrest St - Shops

Forrest St 178 Ardeer - Shops 2021 Photo 01.JPG

1960    176    Forrest St    Pasxtor, J. - Hardware

1965    172    Forrest St    Ardeer Hardware
1965    176    Forrest St    Fedor, Mykola - Draper

1970    172    Forrest St    Ardeer Hardware
1970    176    Forrest St    Fedor, Mykola - Draper

1974    172    Forrest St    Ardeer Hardware
1974    176    Forrest St    Fedor, Mykola - Draper



Ref: Sands & McDougall Directories

Photos:  S&DHS

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