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Sunshine & District

Historical Society Inc.

Reg No: A00212758

Hume Pipes, Van Ness Avenue, Maribyrnong

Hume Pipes (S&DHS Cat 1323) C1920 Photo 01.jpg

After the closure of the Raleigh Meat Works, the Hume Brothers opened their cement iron works on the site.

The site is now the location of Melbourne's Living Museum of the West.

1916    Van Ness Ave    Hume Bros - Cement Iron Works

1917    Van Ness Ave    Hume Bros - Cement Iron Works

1918    Van Ness Ave    Hume Bros - Cement Iron Works

1919    Van Ness Ave    Hume Bros - Cement Iron Works

1920    Van Ness Ave    Hume Bros - Cement Iron Works

1921    Van Ness Ave    Reinforced Concrete Works - Hume Bros
1921    Van Ness Ave    Hume, Walter Reginald

1922    Van Ness Ave    Reinforced Concrete Works - Hume Bros

1923    Van Ness Ave    Reinforced Concrete Works - Hume Bros

1924    Van Ness Ave    Reinforced Concrete Works - Hume Bros

1925    Van Ness Ave    Reinforced Concrete Works - Hume Bros

1926    Van Ness Ave    Reinforced Concrete Works - Hume Bros

1927    Van Ness Ave    Reinforced Concrete Works - Hume Bros

1928    Van Ness Ave    Hume Pipe Co. Aust Ltd

1929    Van Ness Ave    Hume Pipe Co. Aust Ltd

1930    Van Ness Ave    Hume Pipe Co. Aust Ltd - Wilson, David

1931    Van Ness Ave    Hume Pipe Co. Aust Ltd - Wilson, David

1933    Van Ness Ave    Hume Pipe Co. Aust Ltd - Wilson, David

1935    Van Ness Ave    Hume Pipe Co. Aust Ltd - Wilson, David

1938    Van Ness Ave    Hume Pipe Co. Aust Ltd - Wilson, David

1940    Van Ness Ave    Hume Pipe Co. Aust Ltd - Wilson, David

1942    Van Ness Ave    Hume Pipe Co. Aust Ltd - Brain, Albert John

1945    Van Ness Ave    Hume Pipe Co. Aust Ltd - Brain, Albert John

1950    Van Ness Ave    Hume Pipe Co. Aust Ltd - Brain, Albert John

1955    Van Ness Ave    Hume Pipe Co. Aust Ltd - Brain, Albert John

1960    Van Ness Ave    Hume Pipe Co. Aust Ltd - Brain, Albert John

1965    Van Ness Ave    Humes Ltd - (Factory)

1970    Van Ness Ave    Humes Ltd - (Factory)

1974    Van Ness Ave    Humes Ltd - (Factory)

Ref: Sands & McDougall Directories

Photos: Living Museum of the West

Phots: S&DHS

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