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Sunshine & District

Historical Society Inc.

Reg No: A00212758

Ardeer Station (1929 - 1956)

Forrest St on the west side of Fitzgerald Rd, Ardeer

Ardeer Station (1929 – 1956)


Location: Forrest St west side of Fitzgerald Rd, Ardeer.

Distance from Spencer Street Station (Southern Cross Station): – 15.90km (9.88 miles).


Key Dates:

2nd April 1929 – The Ardeer Station opens principally for the use of the employees at the explosives works of Nobel's Pty Ltd. There was no official ceremony.

1934 – The station was renamed to Ardeer Siding.

1956 – The station is closed and the passenger platforms are removed.

The location of the new Ardeer Station is further to the east.


Ref: Wikipedia.

Ref: Sunshine Advocate

Photos: S&DHS.

Forrest St Ardeer - Site of Former Ardeer Station 2021 Photo 02.JPG
Forrest St Ardeer - Site of Former Ardeer Station 2021 Photo 01.JPG
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